Emotional Purity Pdf

Personal Purity Communicate Next Steps Personal purity involves more than just the dating side of life. That’s why this is an im-portant lesson regardless of your disciple’s romantic life (or lack of). Making decisions about physical and sexual boundaries early is valuable, and it’s also valuable to under. Keep you from falling into an emotional affair. By keeping our emotions in check and our hearts turned toward our spouse, we ensure the purity of the emotional bond we share. To foster mental purity in marriage, train your brain to focus your mental energies on your spouse. Sexual fantasies should be limited to acts between husband and wife.

Then if the relationship doesn’t work out, you’re left with scars on your heart. The church teaches us the importance of physical purity; but it teaches little about emotional purity.

The first is that all sexual activity is sex. I believe God’s design of sex doesn’t merely include the act of sexual intercourse. It’s also everything that leads up to that act, and everything on the sexual continuum is meant to end in that act. It’s called foreplay, and I think it’s a fundamental part of God’s design for sex. The purity strategy. The only strategy that ultimately works is honesty: transparency, accountability, confession, forgiveness. Dealing with temptation and with our failures as they happen is the only way to prevent ourselves from sinking deeper and deeper into the pit. One of the ways God helps me to escape temptation is the result of that. Pursuing Purity -Lesson 2: Emotional Purity- Reminder: God designed us to live in a holistic pursuit of purity, which touches all parts of our lives, not just our physical bodies. We want to look at our call to purity as so much more, we want to look at it as a call to Holiness. Holiness is when something is set apart as distinct.

Author: Heather Arnel Paulsen

Emotional Purity PdfPdf

Publisher: Crossway

ISBN: 158134855X

Mental Purity

Category: Religion

Page: 158

View: 540

Have you ever given your heart to someone who didn’t love you back? Do you feel like you’ve experienced heartache over and over again? If you are emotionally attached to someone, it’s easy to cross the line and become emotionally intimate. Then if the relationship doesn’t work out, you’re left with scars on your heart. The church teaches us the importance of physical purity; but it teaches little about emotional purity. Christian singles often wear their hearts on their sleeves, which can lead to intense, emotionally intimate, male-female “friendships” with no commitment to pursuing marriage. People may have had several of these “friendships” and still consider themselves pure, but in reality they have given away pieces of their hearts that should be reserved for their future spouses. Emotional Purity will show you how to define and set boundaries in your relationships to avoid making the same mistakes. Learn how to guard your heart and keep it emotionally pure. Using fictional and real-life examples along with sound biblical advice, author Heather Arnel Paulsen outlines the pitfalls of undefined relationships and presents guidelines for living an emotionally pure life.

Includes Study Questions

ByHeather Arnel Paulsen

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Emotional Purity Pdf Books

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Have you ever given your heart to someone who didn't love you back?

Do you feel like you've experienced heartache over and over again?

If you are emotionally attached to someone, it's easy to cross the line and become emotionally intimate. Then if the relationship doesn't work out, you're left with scars on your heart.


The church teaches us the importance of physical purity; but it teaches little about emotional purity. Christian singles often wear their hearts on their sleeves, which can lead to intense, emotionally intimate, male-female 'friendships' with no commitment to pursuing marriage. People may have had several of these 'friendships' and still consider themselves pure, but in reality they have given away pieces of their hearts that should be reserved for their future spouses. Emotional Purity will show you how to define and set boundaries in your relationships to avoid making the same mistakes. Learn how to guard your heart and keep it emotionally pure.

PurityEmotional purity pdf full

Using fictional and real-life examples along with sound biblical advice, author Heather Arnel Paulsen outlines the pitfalls of undefined relationships and presents guidelines for living an emotionally pure life.

Emotional Purity Pdf Full


Product Details

Emotional Purity Pdf Download

Page Count:160
Size:5.5 in x 8.5 in
ePub ISBN:978-1-4335-1977-2
PDF ISBN:978-1-4335-0154-8
Mobipocket ISBN:978-1-4335-0745-8
Published:April 30, 2007