Snail Farming Business Plan Free

Snail farming (also called heliciculture) is a very common and popular business in some countries. It is relatively easy and commercial production is very profitable. However, snail farming is actually the process of raising edible land snails, mainly for human consumption and also for cosmetic use. The meat and eggs of snail can be consumed as. Before starting snail farming, it is important to understand the market around your locality as well as the export potential. Talk to the nearby people associated with this industry and develop a market research report. This will be a very important tool while creating a business plan for your project. Write a Business Plan.

There is a sample snail farming business that you can use to work on your own business plan; A Sample Snail Farming Business Plan Template 1. Industry Overview. One good business that falls under the agriculture cum meat production industry that an entrepreneur can successful start is snail farming. Snail farming is not capital intensive. Various snail farming systems: Four basic types of snail farming systems are utilized. These include the use of outdoor pens, inside of controlled climate buildings, inside of plastic tunnel houses or greenhouses, as well as a combination approach involving the use of a controlled environment for breeding and hatching, with snails then being.

Business Plan in Nigeria

Our Snail Farming Business Plan in Nigeria is updated regularly, it can be used to access bank loans, proposal writing and grant applications. The business plan was complied after a thorough feasibility study on Snail Farming Business in Nigeria was done

Snail Farming in Nigeria is a business that anyone can start, the capital required to start this business is not much and in a little time you are guaranteed of making millions.

Snail Farming is one of the most lucrative, low capital and easy to run businesses as far as agricultural practices are concerned

In Snail farming you do not require a big parcel of land, you can start anywhere and one of many other reason why we say you can start with very little capital is because the cost of feeding is very low.

Snail farming business plan free download

There are lots of benefit in Snail Farming in Nigeria and these are –

It is very lucrative, easy to run, they are highly productive, they are environmental friendly, good export opportunities.

With just very little you can achieve so much from this business but for the fact that it is very simple and easy to run does not mean that anyone who is without enough knowledge of the business can just succeed.

The key to every business is in depth knowledge and understanding all areas of the business and that is why we have put together a well written and detailed Snail Farming Business Plan for all Snail farmers.

Snail meat is one of the most popular meat in Nigeria because of it high nutritional value, is a good source of protein and its rich in Calcium, Vitamine E and C, Phosphorus and Magnesium.

Snail Farming Business Plan Free

Some people say that Snail meat is for big men because of low calories and fat but I think is not only big men that loves eating snail meat due to its high market demand.

Snail farming in Nigeria is not capital intensive most especially when you compare it to Poultry Farming or Fish farming in Nigeria.

Our Snail farming Business Plan will equip you with all you need to know to start this business but let me throw in light on some key areas you need to take very seriously.

Snail Farming Feasibility Study

In snail farming there are some key areas that must be put in place. This key areas or factors must be considered very carefully in setting up your snail farm. One of the factors to be considered is the environment. The environment for snail farming must be conducive so whether you are raising them at your backyard or not the temperature must be moderate.
Snails do well in a high humidity and quiet environment. If the temperature is high they are most likely to go into aestivation and they go into their shell when the temperature is too low. In setting up the snail farm, the wind must also be considered. High wind will make the snail to dry up. The farm must be protected from high wind and how humidity.

Capital – The capital needed for snail farming is not huge. This business is not capital intensive. You can start small and then grown your small scale snail farming business into a large scale. Whichever way you want to start, do well to get a comprehensive business plan and a feasibility study to help you.

Pest free – In setting up your snail farm, it should be free from pest and predators. This is also very important. Snails are fragile and they should be in a safe place away from snakes, rats, lizards, centipedes, and so on.

Housing – There are different housing system for snail farming. Whether its large scale snail farming or small scale, this housing system will help you get the best out from the snail farming business. Snail housing systems are; Intensive system, Semi Intensive system, and Extensive system.
Intensive system – This is where the farmer solely provides the feeds for the snail. It is an enclosed system or controlled environment. Examples of intensive system are greenhouses, trench pens, plastic tunnel houses, hutch boxes, car tires, etc.
Semi Intensive System – The snail eggs are left to hatch in a controlled environment for 2 months. After then they are taken to an open field.
Extensive System – This is known as free range grazing where the snails are left to move about a certain area.
In all of this system, the place must be good and conducive for the snails as stated earlier. It must be secured. The snail can escape so extra attention should be taken to ensure all possible holes and escape routes are covered.

Species of Snail

There are three major species of Snail reared in Nigeria due to commercial value and they are, Achatina Achatina (AA), and Achatina Fulica (AF) and Achatina Marginata (AM).

i. Achatina Achatina (AA) Snail has It has a tiger shaped shell, the sharp tail end like AF and it can survive in a more humid environment unlike the Archatina Marginata (AM) specie.

The Achatina Fulica (AF) snail also known as the Garden Snail has a sharp just like tail end like the Achatina Achatina specie. This is the smallest of all the three African giant species. Although it has a low market patronage because of its small sizes but it lays between 200 to 500 eggs in a clutch and can produce up to 3 to 4 clutches a year.

ii. Archatina Marginata (AM) snail specie, is the biggest of the three species, it sells very fast in the market. Archatina Marginata specie is most sought for in Nigeria and because of that it has market acceptability more than the other two species

Archatina Marginata Snail specie usually take a period of 21 to 32 days to hatch its eggs and they are harder and bigger compared to other species of snails. It takes about 8 to 9 months before the AM reaches point of laying eggs.

2. Location

The location and environment of your snail farm is very important, the environment best suited for snail farm is a plain low site.

This site should not be downhill to prevent too much wind from coming in because too much wind would dehydrate the snails.

Snail love balanced soil that is not too dry, they can not be reared on concrete floor, so the best floor is a moist floor, one that is not too dry or too waterlogged either.

3. Types of Soil

Snails habitat is the soil because it contains some component and chemical substances that it requires to survive but not all soils are suitable for Snail farming.

The soil is a very important factor in Snail farming because Snails lays eggs on the soil, drink water out of the soil, so the survival of the Snail is mostly dependent of the soil.

4. Snail Feeding

Snails can feed on anything, they can feed on leaves to fruits such as pawpaw, mangoes, banana, tomatoes, pears, they can also feed on cassava leaves, cabbage, coco-yam leaves etc

1.0 Snail Farm Executive Summary
1.1 Snail Farm Objectives
1.2 Mission
1.3 Proposed Capacity

2.0 Snail Farm Products and Services
2.1 Products and Service Description
2.2 Technology
2.3 Sourcing and Fulfillment
2.4 Company Locations and Facilities
3.0 Snail Farm Market Analysis Summary
3.1 Main Competitors
3.2 Target Market Segment Strategy

4.0 Snail Farm Management Summary
4.1 Management Team
4.2 Equipment/Machinery Requirement/ Land & Building/Seed
4.3 Personnel Plan
4.4 Raw Material Requirement


Projected Profit and Loss for 1,000 point of laying snails
1,000 Snail Reproduction Analysis
Operating/Administration expenses
Total Profit Projection

PLUS Bonus materials like Management guide, etc.

Our sample Snail Farming Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Study can be used to access bank loans, proposal writing and grant applications. The business plan was complied after a thorough feasibility study on Snail farming in Nigeria was done.

This is the best you can get so hurry now do not miss this opportunity, to place your order pay N10,000 to

GTBANK (Guaranty Trust Bank)
Account No – 0127561472

After you have made payment for your Snail Farming Business Plan, send your email and payment details to 07036785443.

Snail Farming Business Plan Free Trial

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