Obiee Admin Tool

What is HP ALM?

HP ALM (Application Life Cycle Management) is a web based tool that helps organizations to manage the application lifecycle right from project planning, requirements gathering, until Testing & deployment, which otherwise is a time-consuming task.

In its earlier avatar as HP Quality Center, the test management tool was developed by Mercury interactive.

OBIEE Admin Tool Command Line. OBIEE 11g: How To Run the Administration Tool and Administer Repositories in Automated Mode from the Command Line (Doc ID 1574480.1) Ms. Semenov is a Software Engineer with over 20 years of experience in enterprise application development. Her technical experience includes Oracle relational and multidimensional. Free online skill assessment, testing and rating with better Pragnya scores. Register on Wisdom Jobs now and take free Pragnya tests. Find your latest jobs in India. The Administration Tool is a Windows application that allows the BI Server administrator to create and edit repositories. Repositories can be edited with the administration tool in either OBIEE 10G/11G - Repository (RPD file) or OBIEE 10G/11G - Repository (RPD file) mode. The Administration Tool also includes a session manager and a cache.

It is now developed by HP as ALM. The ALM full form is Application Life Cycle Management Tool that supports various phases of the software development life cycle.

ALM tool also provides integration to all other HP products such as UFT and Load Runner.

Why use HP ALM?

The various stakeholders involved in a typical project are –

  • Developer
  • Tester
  • Business Analysts
  • Project Managers
  • Product Owners

These stakeholders perform diverse set of activities that need to be communicated to all concerned team members.

If we do not maintain centralized repository to record, maintain and track all the artifacts related to the product, the project will unquestionably FAIL.

We also need a mechanism to document and collaborate on all testing and development activities.

Enter HP ALM!

  • It enables all the stakeholders to interact and coordinate, to achieve the project goals.
  • It provides robust tracking & reporting and seamless integration of various project related tasks.
  • It enables detailed project analysis and effective management.
  • ALM tool can connect to our email systems and send emails about any changes(like Requirement change, Defect raising, etc..) to all desired team members.

HP Quality Center Versions

It is important to understand the history of ALM.

  • HP Quality Center was earlier known as Test Director which was developed by Mercury Interactive.
  • In 2008, Version 8 was released, and the product was renamed as Quality Center.
  • Later, HP acquired Mercury Interactive and rebranded all mercury products as HP.
  • So Mercury Quality Center became HP Quality Center
  • In 2011, Version 11 was released, and Quality center was rechristened as HP ALM.

Architecture of QC

Now let us understand the technology part of HP-ALM. ALM is an enterprise application developed using Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) that can have MS SQL Server or Oracle as its back end. ALM has 3 components – Client, Application Server and Database Server.

  1. HP ALM client: when an end user/tester accesses the URL of ALM, the client components are downloaded on the client's system. ALM client components help the user to interact with the server using .NET and COM technologies over a secured connection (HTTPS).
  2. ALM server/Application server: Application server usually runs on a Windows or Linux platform which caters to the client requests. App server makes use of the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver to communicate between the application server and database servers.
  3. Database servers: The Database layer stores three schemas.
  • Site Administration schema: It Stores information related to the domains, users, and site parameters.
  • Lab Project: This schema stores lab information related to functional and Performance Testing on remote hosts, Performance Center server data.
  • Project schema: Stores project information, such as work item/data created by the user under the project area. Each project has its own schema and they are are created on the same database server as the Site Administration schema.

HP ALM Editions:

HP ALM tool is a commercially licensed tool and HP distributes ALM in 4 different flavors

ALM Edition Feature Comparison

Each one of the license allows users to access certain ALM functionalities. Following Table lists the features that a particular license give you =

Let's study why would you purchase a particular version and whom is it suited for

  • HP ALM Essentials – This is for corporates that need just the basic features for supporting their entire software life cycle. It has access to requirements management, test management and Defect management.
  • HP QC Enterprise Edition – This license holds good for corporates who would like to use ALM exclusively for testing purposes. It also provides integration with Unified Functional Tester (UFT).
  • HP ALM Performance Center Edition – This license best suits for organizations who would like to use HP ALM to drive HP-Load runner scripts. It helps the users to maintain, manage, schedule, execute and monitor performance tests.

Obiee Admin Tool Tutorial

ALM Workflow

To learn the HP Application Lifecycle Management workflow, Let's first study a typical test process-

  • We begin with Planning, Drafting, and Release details. Determine no of Cycles in each release & Scope of each release
  • For a given Release and Cycle, we draft the Requirements Specifications.
  • Based on the requirements, Test plans and test cases are created.
  • Next stage is executing the created tests plan
  • Next stage in this test processes is tracking and fixing the defects detected in the execution stage
  • During all stages, analysis is done, and reports and graphs are generated for test metric generation.

HP ALM testing tool provides a module catering to each stage of the Testing Process. We will study them in detail in later tutorials.

As Linux is a multi-user operating system, there is a high need of an administrator, who can manage user accounts, their rights, and the overall system security for User management in Linux.

You should know the basics of Linux admin so that you can handle the user accounts and usergroups for user management in Linux.

Download Obiee Admin Tool

In this Linux Administration tutorial, you will learn-

Creating a User

In Linux, every user is assigned an individual account which contains all the files, information, and data of the user. You can create multiple users in a Linux operating system using Linux user commands. Next in this Linux admin tutorial, we will learn how to create a user in Linux Administration. The steps for creating a user are:

Obiee Admin Tool Download

Using Terminal

Step 1) Use command sudo adduser

Step 2) Enter password for the new account and confirm

Step 3) Enter details of the new user and press Y

New account is created.

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Using GUI

Step 1) Go to the system settings look for an icon which says 'User Accounts'.

Step 2) Click on the unlock icon and enter a password when prompted, then click the plus sign.


Step 3) A new window would pop up, asking you for adding information to the new user account.The account type offers two choices - standard and administration(Ubuntu Limitation). If you want the new user to have administrative access to the computer, select Administrator as the account type. Administrators can do things like add and delete users, install software and drivers, and change the date and time. Otherwise, choose standard.Fill in the full name, username and click on create.

Step 4) The new account would show, but would be disabled by default.

To activate it, click the password option and add a new password. Click change to enable the account.

Deleting, disabling account


For disabling an account using Terminal, remove the password set on the account.

To delete an account, use the command -


Step 1) Highlight the user account and click the minus sign to delete.

Step 2) For disabling click on the area where the password is stored, and you would get the following prompt. Select disable this account and click on change.

Adding users to the usergroups

You can view the existing groups on your Linux operating system by entering the following Linux user commands:

Now to add a user to a group, use the following syntax:

The system would ask for authentication and then it would add the user to the group.

You can check whether the user is in a group by this command.

And it would show it as

Obiee Admin Tool Tnsnames.ora

Removing a user from Usergroup

Use the following syntax for removing a user.

The GUI method

If you do not want to run the Linux user commands in terminal to manage users and groups, then you can install a GUI add-on .

Once done, type

Check user settings, and a tab Manage Groups will appear-


This command is used to procure information of the users on a Linux machine. You can use it on both local & remote machines

The syntax 'finger' gives data on all the logged users on the remote and local machine.

The syntax 'finger username' specifies the information of the user in User administration in Linux.

Linux/Unix user management commands

User management in Linux is done by using Linux administration commands. Here is a list of user management commands in Linux:



sudo adduser username

Adds a user

sudo passwd -l 'username'

Disable a user

sudo userdel -r 'username'

Delete a user

sudo usermod -a -G GROUPNAME USERNAME

Add user a to a usergroup

sudo deluser USER GROUPNAME

Remove user from a user group


Gives information on all logged in user

finger username

Gives information of a particular user


Obiee Admin Tool

  • You can use both GUI or Terminal for User Administration in Linux User management
  • You can create, disable and remove user accounts using Linux admin commands.
  • You can add/delete a user to a usergroup.