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Event Log Explorer is a customer-driven software. Most of the advanced features were suggested by our users. With these features Event Log Explorer makes a step from ordinary event data viewing to its real analysis.

An.evtx file alone does not contain the text of most events, so uploading an.evtx file without the associated Display Information can delay resolution of your support case. Even with the display information, an.evtx contains only the UTC time of the events and not the source time zone (Event viewer adjusts the displayed time to your local. FullEventLogView is a simple tool for Windows 10/8/7/Vista that displays in a table the details of all events from the event logs of Windows, including the event description. It allows you to view the events of your local computer, events of a remote computer on your network, and events stored in.evtx files.

Access Windows event logs and event log files on local and remote servers and workstations
Like Windows Event Viewer, Event Log Explorer accesses Windows event logs and event log files from both local and remote servers. However unlike Event Viewer, you can view several event logs (and log files) at one time — in different windows or even in one consolidated window (merged event log view).
Support of both classic Windows NT event log format (EVT files) and new (Crimson) event log format (EVTX files)
When possible you can choose between legacy Windows NT API and modern Windows Event Log API to access Windows event logs and event log files. Modern API works a little slowly, but provides more detailed information about events.
High performance — all events are loaded either into memory or into an optimized internal local database
To perform smooth event analysis, Event Log Explorer reads events into its own temporary storage. Depending on event log size, you can choose between memory and disk storage.
Event log consolidation — you can consolidate different events in one place
Event Log Explorer allows you not only to read events from different sources, but to consolidate them in one event view. You can review such a view as a solid log. You can even save this consolidated event log as an EVT file.
Tabbed-document and multiple-document user interface depending on user preferences
Event Log Explorer provides you with 2 user interface types. Multiple-document interface (MDI) allows you to open unlimited number of event logs and place them all inside the main window of Event Log Explorer. Tabbed-document interface (TDI) allows you to open unlimited number of event logs and features the best way of navigation between logs.
Log loading options to pre-filter Windows event logs
With Event Log Explorer you may load events from dozens of Windows servers simultaneously. As a rule, you don't need to load all the events from all logs. E.g. you may want to exclude Information events or load only recent events. Log loading options help you to pre-filter events at loading stage.
Advanced filtering by any criteria including event description text
You can easily filter events by any criteria. The filters are reusable - you can save them as a file and apply to other event logs. You can use regular expressions (Regexps) to filter by event description text. The application lets you link events by event ID and description parameters and filter out all other events. Such linked event filtering helps you to analyze Security log.
Favorite computers and their logs are grouped into a tree
With Event Log Explorer you can view event logs on different Windows servers and workstations. For your convenience, you can group your computers in a tree. Then you can select the desired event log and it will be opened immediately.
Manual and automatic backup of Windows event logs
Backing up event logs is a really important task. Very large event logs may affect system performance, but administrators must be able to analyze past events. The appropriate solution is to limit the size of Windows event logs, and backup event logs on regular basis. Event Log Explorer allows you to save event logs as event log files manually or automatically.
Fast navigation with bookmarks
Modern Internet browsers allow you to save favorite URLs as bookmarks that can be easily restored. Similarly Event Log Explorer allows you to mark any events as bookmarked and then you can easily return to these events.
Compatibility with well-known event knowledge bases
You can get more information about event in the public event knowledge bases. Event Log Explorer supports EventID.net and Microsoft knowlegebases.
Color coding by Event ID
Color coding allows you to easily distinguish between different events. You can change text color, font style and background color for specific events.
Print and export to different formats
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With Event Log Explorer you can print Windows event logs and export to other formats. Print options let you select from several print styles. Event Log Explorer supports export to HTML, tab-separated and Excel documents.
Analytical reports - summary tables and pivot charts
You can easily create pivot tables and pivot chart reports from your events. E.g. you can summarize event types by date or get statistics by event identifier, event source, and so on.
Direct access to EVT files allowing you to read damaged EVT files and generate EVT files from chosen events
Event Log Explorer can access EVT files directly (without Windows Event Log API). This allows you to read damaged event logs, read event logs when Windows Event Log service is not available (e.g. in BartPE or other preinstalled environment). You can also generate your own EVT files.
Direct access to EVTX files allowing you to read new EVTX files on old Windows
Event Log Explorer can access EVTX files directly (without new Windows Event Log API). This allows you to open new event log files (EVTX) on any computer, i.e. with Event Log Explorer you can read EVTX files on Windows XP machines
Scheduler to run some event log tasks on schedule
You can automate some tasks using built-in scheduler. E.g. you can schedule event log export or print tasks.
Credential manager
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When you are opening an event log from a remote server, Event Log Explorer is trying to use your current credentials to access it. Sometimes you may need to access remote event logs using alternative credentials. Credential manager lets you store different credentials for each server and use them when you are trying to open remote Windows event log.
Event list can be sorted by any column and in any direction
Like Windows Event Viewer, the program lets you sort event list by any column - just click on the column header, and event list will be re-sorted immediately. If you click on the column twice - the event list will be resorted in the backward direction. In the program preferences, you can set the default sorting which will be applied when you opening a log.
Time correction
Event time is stored as UTC time. When you open a log generated on a server located in another time zone, you may want to virtually move to that time zone and view events from there. Time correction helps you to view event from any time zone.
Servers import
If you manage a large network, you will find how easy you can import all your servers to the program. Just create a list of your servers and the program will import them all. You can also ask Event Log Explorer to scan your network (Active Directory) and build the list of your computers automatically.

Extra features of Enterprise Edition

Database storage
Event Log Explorer collects events from servers and workstations and exports them into MS SQL Server database. Using your own collection rules, you can create as many database tables as you want.
Filter only required events
Using your own collection rules, you can choose what events and from which machines should be collected. Filtering events saves your network traffic and database storage.

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Alert on certain events
You can setup Event Log Explorer to monitor events generated by your systems and to notify you when a specific event has fired. This helps you to get informed about problems promptly and potentially before they affect you.
Unattended Export
Event Log Explorer comes with a set of command-line utilities to export events to different formats such as SQL Server database, Excel books, PDF files, HTML, and others.

Event Log Explorer is an effective software solution for viewing, analyzing and monitoring events recorded in Microsoft Windows event logs. Event Log Explorer greatly simplifies and speeds up the analysis of event logs (security, application, system, setup, directory service, DNS and others).

Event Log Explorer extends the standard Windows Event Viewer functionality and brings many new features. Users who tried Event Log Explorer see it as a superior solution to Windows Event Viewer helping to boost their productivity twice.

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Event Log Explorer benefits

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Instant access to event logs
Event Log Explorer works with both local and remote event logs as well as with event log files in EVT and EVTX format. It can read event log files directly (without Event Log API) which allows to access even damaged log files. Event Log Explorer lists computers, event logs and log files in the object tree. You can open or manage any event log in the tree with just a click.


Efficient filtering
Event Log Explorer features several ways to filter events in Windows event logs: on-load filter while loading events, quick filter by a template, filter by event descriptions using regular expressions, or filter by security event parameters. Intuitive user interface lets you build complex filters easily and organize them into a filter library.

Event Log consolidation
If you've ever tried to consolidate events from different networked machines in Windows Event Viewer, you will see how straightforward and easy-to-use Event Log Explorer is. It enables you to create a consolidated view of different event logs with a couple of mouse clicks and you can set on-load filter to work only with essential events.

Export events and report generator
Event Log Explorer lets you export and print events. You can export individual event logs, consolidated and filtered event log views, or even separate events into Microsoft Excel, CSV, HTML and other formats. Report generator allows you to print events using different layouts and create various analytical reports. A built-in scheduler helps you automate export and report routines.

Event Log Explorer keeps your working environment, opened logs with applied filters, scheduler settings and other settings in workspace files. Loading the saved workspaces greatly expedites solving your regular tasks.

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Database Storage
Event Log Explorer Enterprise Edition collects events from servers and workstations and exports them into MS SQL Server database. Using your own collection rules, you can create as many database tables as you want.

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Alert on certain events
Event Log Explorer Enterprise Edition can alarm you when a certain event occurs. It can send an email, execute a program or send an HTTP (POST) request to your server. This keeps you notified about all important events in your network.